Synopsis: A man wakes from a night on the town to find himself locked in a cell. When he discovers he’s not in prison and he’s not alone, he fights to stay who he is while helping someone else remember who they were.
in his 30’s. Successful software engineer with a penchant for sarcasm and an appreciation for the night life. His biting sarcasm hides a caring guy who always looks out for his family and friends.
late 20’s. Extremely intelligent and strong-willed surgical resident who finds herself in the worst of all possible situations. She is, above all, a survivor and knows you don’t always have to beat your opponent to win.
The Man
late 30’s - 40’s. A family man who also happens to be a true zealot and determined to succeed at his mission, regardless of the cost. At least until his emotions get in the way.
16-17 y/o. Despite her rebellious streak and ability to get in trouble, she is a loving daughter and loyal to her father, The Man.
late 30’s - 40’s. Kind neighbor who’s in charge of more than just the Neighborhood Association.
Accepting submissions for all crew positions. Please send resumes or online portfolios (or links to your work)
Auditions will be held in early August. Casting submissions are also welcome. Please send headshots & resumes or online portfolios.
JPG, GIF, PDF, DOC accepted, but links to online portfolios preferred. All experience levels welcome to submit.
Location: Austin, TX
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